• Strong start for all children

    We develop brains and behaviors at a rapid pace, not fully maturing until as late as our mid-20s. Preventative care and healthy learning environments are central to ensuring healthy minds and bright futures.

    • Support for families

      Strong, healthy families are vitally important to strong, healthy individuals. Education, childcare, stable housing, meaningful employment, and access to health care are all essential to family well being.

      • Access to housing, supports, and services

        Having a place to call home is an essential element of good mental health across the lifespan. Access to supports and services prolongs life and enhances mental health outcomes.

        • Wellness in aging

          From childhood to old age, the quality of our lives depends on our mental health.  Every phase of life brings its own challenges and opportunities for continuing mental growth and development.

          • Reduced potential harm from drugs and alcohol

            Drugs and alcohol have been a part of our landscape throughout history. From childhood onward, we thrive if we can reap their benefits while reducing their potential for great harm.

            • Decriminalize mental health

              Too often, law enforcement is our first and only response to people’s need for mental health and substance use care. Disentangling mental health and criminal justice will improve health outcomes, save taxpayer dollars, and enhance community well being.

              • End shame and discrimination

                Mental health—like physical health—is part of who we are. We need to be increasingly understanding and compassionate with ourselves and others.

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