Debra Gustafson (D)

Click here for more information on the candidate.

Do you support school policies and funding that increase the availability of mental health services in schools and early childhood settings?

  • Yes: I am an educator who has experienced the challenges that our young children are experiencing. I believe that collaborative work with our schools will open up opportunities for help otherwise might not be provided for a variety of reasons.

Do you support additional funding for follow-up care for individuals after a suicide attempt or overdose?

  • Yes: Continued counseling is necessary.

Do you support extreme risk protection orders?

  • Yes: There is protocol for situations considered extreme risk.

Do you support strengthening laws and transparency requirements compelling insurance companies to provide coverage for the treatment of mental health and substance use disorders that is equal to the coverage provided for a physical illness?

  • Yes: Many companies have a limited version of coverage for these health issues.

Do you support strengthening requirements that insurance companies have enough mental health and substance use professionals to guarantee their members have a choice of provider?

  • Yes: Our health professionals who deal with individuals suffering with addictions and mental health issues do not get paid enough nor are there enough qualified people to help in these areas.

Do you support requirements that hospitals and other providers report information on treatment availability to help individuals, hospitals and law enforcement locate available treatment for people in crisis?

  • Unsure Ferpa laws may need some revisions

Do you support providing state funds to expand capacity for mental health and substance use treatment in underserved areas of the state?

  • Yes: We need to prioritize Colorado’s looming needs. No one wants higher taxes but we all want better services. We as citizens have to decide what’s important here.

Do you support additional state investments in affordable housing with supportive services for people with mental health or substance use disorders?

  • Yes: I support this. The question is how do we fund this? Affordable housing access across the state is an iss whether you have disorders or just need a place to live without working two jobs. Ideally it would be great to having a facility that offers treatment and housing within the same structure.